No means No
Computer-aided board game for alternative lifestyles (swingers, BDSM community, etc.)
The idea behind the project is to provide a board game to allow 'alternative lifestyle'
people to play the game and explore/extend their sexuality while respecting their limits.
The problem with creating such a board game is that everybody in the scene
has different limits, and 'one-size-fits-most' approach won't work. So, we
decided to create a 'computer-aided' game. It means that each player fills
some form describing his/her limits and then computer generates 'action cards' which
should be printed. 'Action cards' are generated to take into account player limits
and preferences.
As 'action cards' are printed, board game is essentially ready and the game
itself doesn't involve any computer. It is just usual board game with a printed board,
set of printed 'action cards', two dice, and obviously rules. We're also
planning to provide game emulator, but this subproject has not been started yet.
As of now, the project is in 'Beta' stage. Version 0.8.0 is currently available
for beta testing on a public web server
and version 0.8.0 for Windows is currently available for download.
We've tried it and found very fun, but there are lots of things to do
(see Bugs
SourceForge tracker for detailed list of tasks).
- The project is hosted by
Many thanks to SourceForge for their great work to support open source community.
- It has web-based UI (in our opinion, pretty reasonable choice for filling
- It is C++ + PHP. CPU-intensive card generation is C++, web UI is PHP.
- It can be run on public server for community, or on local desktop for those
who don't want to share info with others. Local version assumes that end-user
installs Apache+PHP locally; we plan to make installer at least for Windows
that will do it for the user automatically, but it is not done yet.
- Supported platforms: theoretically any, in practice it currently runs
on Linux (using gcc to compile C++) or on Windows (using MSVC++ 6 to compile
- PHP part is divided into the very generic library ('spartan' library)
and project-specific logic. 'spartan' library has intentionally spartan API,
but provides some useful services and encapsulates database specifics from
application logic. Currently it supports dbx+SQLite (intended for local
installations) or dbx+MySQL (intended for 'public' servers). Among other
services provided by the library is a way to transfer data between different
supported databases seamlessly.
- Licensing. 'spartan' PHP library is under BSD license, other parts are
under MPL v1.1.
Currently we desperately need:
- 'alternative lifestyle' beta testers;
- HTML designers with basic understanding of PHP;
- shell scripting and/or RPM creation help.
If you're interested, please contact us.
This page is available at
or at nomeansno.sourceforge,net.
The project is hosted by